Improve the student veteran experience through access to programs, services, and resources
Facilitate career readiness in preparation for entry into a job or graduate school
Programs and Services
Easing Your Transition/Getting Started
Veterans Orientation - These personalized sessions help students prepare for the rigors of a Tier-1 Research university including; a Q/A session, meeting other student veterans, and providing vital info needed during the first months here.
VA Certification/Benefits - We work closely with the Registrar's Office and the VA School Certifying Official (SCO). The SCO is responsible for receiving/processing all VA-administered educational benefits.
Peer2Peer - We connect new and current student veterans with peer veterans who assist with questions and provide advice from a student standpoint.
Fiserv Veterans Lounge - A dedicated student veterans lounge - with a large screen TV, coffee, couches, desk and chairs - located in Room 484 of the Tate Student Center.
Service Desk - An "information desk" staffed by student veterans from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM for help and referrals.
Transition Coaching - Eases the transition of incoming veterans by pairing them with faculty or staff members with similar academic, career and/or personal interests.
Improving Your UGA Experience Each Day
Priority Registration - After your first semester, Certified Service Members (CSM) have priority registration but, like all students, must meet with an academic advisor prior to each registration cycle.
Awards and Scholarships - Funded by community and corporate partners, veteran awards and scholarships are offered during the Fall and Spring semesters.
Veterans Computer Lab - Part of the SVRC Office in Tate Center - 4481, the lab includes three computer kiosks, CAC card readers, color printer, and workspaces.
Individual Consultations - Meet with the SVRC staff to share current situations and discover how to strategically solve them from personal, academic, health, to career and more.
SVRC Suite - In addition to the service desk and computer lab, the SVRC suite offers veterans a conference room, refrigerator, microwave, and space to connect with other veterans - including the SVA.
Referral Network - Well-placed faculty, staff, community, non-profit, and corporate professionals who have relationships with the SVRC centered around supporting our student veterans.
Student Veterans Association - A nationally recognized veteran-led student organization focused on building comradery and engagement through events, service to the university/community, and advocating for student veterans at UGA.
Oral History Program - Earn $100 by taking less than 60 minutes to work with another veteran to record your unique history from boots to books and beyond.
VETConnect - Systematically connects our student veterans to an SVRC staff member each Fall and Spring to check-in and provide assistance and resources that are needed.
Graduate Lialson - A graduate or professional-level student veteran that augments the SVRC staff each semester by tackling special projects.
Got Your Six - An awareness program taught by SVRC staff to ensure students, faculty, staff, community, non-profit, and corporate leaders are attuned to our veterans and their needs.
SVRC Newsletter - A recurring SVRC publication released 2-3 times each month that helps to ensure our military affiliated students are kept attuned to opportunities within the veteran space.
Preparing You for Your Next Move
Readiness Coaching - Jump-start early career discussions and brand development (resume building and networking), which improves a student's ability to compete in today's job market.
Experiential Learning - Encouraging student veterans to take part in meaningful internships, study abroad and work-study opportunities that align with their academic pursuits.
VA Work Study - Offers student veterans - using VA benefits at a 3/4 load or above - the opportunity to work within the SVRC. For more information, please contact Jon or Mandy.
Coaching/Mentoring - Connecting student veterans to well-placed professionals, faculty, and peers to enhance their educational experience and widen their professional networks.
Corporate Connect - Corporate partners across the country work directly with SVRC staff to provide employment opportunities to student veterans.